Funding is subject to HHSC requirements and available for a limited time.
Who Qualifies?
Eligible providers participating in the Texas Medicaid EHR Incentive program.
Medicare providers whose Medicaid patient volume exceeds 10 percent and have patients under the care of eligible providers who are participating in the Texas Medicaid EHR Incentive program.
What Costs Are Covered?
Connection fees to the HIE.
Who to Contact?
Office: 956.622.5801
Point of Contact: Fernando Villarreal
How It Works
- Contact CCEHIE.
- Complete an HHSC onboarding form.
- HIE submits form along with your signed HIE Master
Services Agreement & Business Associates Agreement
to HHSC for approval. - Exchange data for 12 months.
- Continue live connection to CCE HIE and HHSC for
another 6 months.
Take advantage of the following benefits when you participate:
- HIE onboarding fees covered.
- Coordinate your patient’s care.
- Improve ‘Promoting Interop’ incentives.
- Utilize other HIE services to support your ‘at-risk’ contracts for value-based care and population health.
- Access to an integrated network of your patients across South Texas.